Surge Arresters are an essential component for increasing the reliability of the electricity network as they serve as the primary protection against overvoltage's, whether they're atmospheric and or caused by switching.
When selecting a Surge Arrester, there are several options and considerations, but the basic requirements of a Surge Arrester still remain the same;
The Surge Arrester should provide adequate protection with a sufficient safety margin, which means that overvoltage's at the device to be protected must always remain below its withstand voltage.
The Surge Arrester should be dimensioned for stable continuous operation, which means that the arrester must remain electrically and thermally stable under all conditions while handling all long-term, temporary, and transient stress resulting from network operation.
To assist with the correct selection of a surge arrester, the following information should be known
Maximum system voltage
Type of neutral (earthing) of the system/duration of failure
Lightning Impulse withstand voltage of the system
Creepage requirements/housing
Mechanical forces required
Energy absorption capability
Connections and if any additional accessories like surge monitoring
For more information or assistance in selecting you next surge arrester give myself or our friendly team a call on 1300 717 466 or +61 2 9531 6002.
25th June to 25 July 2022

MV Technology Solutions is proud to be a sponsor partner again for this fantastic event that sees riders transverse North Queensland over 780km over 7 days, to raise funds to support children who live in the remote rural areas of the region.
The Cairns to Karumba Bike Ride began through the Cairns School of Distance Education P&C Association in 1996/97. Today, beneficiaries include Cairns School of Distance Education, State primary schools – including Mt Garnet, Mt Surprise, Georgetown, Croydon, Normanton and Karumba as well as child care centres, sports associations and more.
Get behind this great event and show your support https://c2kbikeride.com.au/1-ride-overview/donate-to-the-charity/ or join the ride https://c2kbikeride.com.au/registerc2k2022/
We would also like to wish all riders the best of luck and thank them for getting behind such a great event.
SB/Shed 6 | Wellington27 - 29 June 20222
We are so looking forward to this event, As the power industry’s largest collaborative forum in New Zealand there is no better event in New Zealand for our industry. Than EEA2022
So put these dates in your diary now and join us at the EEA2022 Conference, on 27-29 June 2022 and make sure you pop in to Stand 8 and say hi to our team.