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Tropical Leaves

Our company’s social responsibility falls into two categories: 

Compliance and proactivenessCompliance refers to our company’s commitment to legality and willingness to observe community values. Proactiveness is every initiative to promote human rights, help communities and protect our natural environment

Our Policies 

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Quality Policy

The management of MV Technology Solutions has a firm commitment to supplying products of the highest quality which merit complete customer satisfaction throughout their effective life. This commitment requires us to ensure that all finished products meet MV Technology Solutions’ standards, our customers' requirements, the exact requirements of the process environment to which they are subjected, as well as complying with all applicable statutes, regulations and codes.

To this end, MV Technology Solutions has established and maintains a quality system which meets the Australian/New Zealand and International Standards ISO 9001: 2015 “Quality Management Systems – Requirements.”

The responsibility for quality sits with every employee and relies on their commitment that all products are fully operational, functional and comply with customer specification and design requirements.

All employees are encouraged to be pro-active in their approach and continually review the Quality System. This includes suggesting changes in manufacturing or inspection techniques to improve efficiency, productivity and reliability of product supply both to our customers and from our suppliers.

It is management's clear intention that this policy and its objectives are properly adhered to, that resources are provided to an adequate level, and the Quality System is continually reviewed for improvements. This will enable MV Technology Solutions to maintain its competitive position without prejudicing its reputation for supplying service and equipment to the highest standard.

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WHS Policy

The occupational health and safety of all those affected by our scope of works is at the heart of our organisation and will be addressed and monitored to the highest standard.  Resources appropriate to the level of risk that each hazard poses will be made available to assist in the reduction, or where possible the elimination, of the risk posed.


To demonstrate our commitment to our safety policy, we will:


  • Comply with relevant legislative and statutory requirements, and advisory standards.

  • Provide premises, plant and equipment together with systems of work that are safe.

  • Ensure the health and safety of all people at work by providing a suitable environment and the information, instruction, training and supervision required.

  • Provide personal protective equipment to staff where required.

  • Provide adequate first aid, emergency procedures and access to appropriately trained personnel.

  • Encourage consultation and participation to promote and maintain safe and healthy conditions.

  • Investigate reported hazards promptly.

  • Promptly investigate any accident, incident or near miss and undertake corrective actions as soon as possible.

  • In the unfortunate event of an injury requiring rehabilitation services, we will seek to facilitate an early return to work, in consultation with the injured person, medical experts and management.

  • Establish measurable objectives and targets to ensure continual improvement and prevention of work-related injuries.

  • Monitor compliance with the Safety Management System, and our OH&S performance.

  • Develop and continually improve our Safety Management System.

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Environmental Policy

MV Technology Solutions recognises that we have responsibilities toward our customers, employees and especially the wider community. We also recognise that our operations can, both directly and indirectly, impact the environment.


We undertake continual improvement by implementing a management system with objectives and targets to minimize our environmental footprint. We achieve this by working with staff and other stakeholders through pollution prevention practices in compliance with legal and other requirements, and our desire to be a role model for others to follow by:


  1. Committing to foster the sustainable use of the earth’s resources to minimise impact on the land.

  2. Complying with all relevant environmental legislation and regulations.

  3. Identifying and managing environmental risks and hazards.

  4. Considering the requirements of our customers.

  5. Incorporating environmental best practice into plans and management processes.

  6. Minimising environmental impact and, where possible, preventing pollution.

  7. Promoting environmentally responsible purchasing.


All staff are expected to comply with the spirit of this policy in the context of the organisation in which they work. In addition to this policy, MV Technology Solutions will comply with all local, state and federal laws and regulations in respect of:


  • disposing of hazardous waste (including EPA-prescribed industrial waste), trade waste (i.e. waste added to the sewer) and waste water.

  • safe handling, storage and transport of hazardous waste and dangerous goods.

  • land use.

  • air pollution and carbon emissions.


MV Technology Solutions will set targets each year to increase our energy and water efficiency and seek opportunities for reducing and recycling waste.

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